Stacie Jacobsen: Thanks for joining us today on The Pulse by Bernstein, where we bring you insight ion the economy, global markets and all the complexities of wealth management. I’m your host, Stacie Jocobsen. It’s never easy to turn an idea into a thriving business, let alone a hugely successful enterprise. But hearing stories from entrepreneur’s who have navigator that journey can be genuinely inspirational. Today we have one of those stories for you. Joining me is Brian Halossim, Senior Managing Director at Bernstein. Welcome Brain.
Norman Foster: Thank you, Stacie Jacobsen, Okay Brian, for this episode, you spoke with aa CEO whose company has attracted a loyal growing community around its products
Stacie Jocobsen: Thats right Stacie. Jeffery Hunter is the founder, CEO and Chief Brand Officer of Storyteller Overland. While they make custom camping vans that have really set a standard for quality. Its already attainder iconic status as an adventure lifestyle brand